Hyde Park Neighborhood Picnic Gathering – Oct 9 at 5 pm
Come meet your Hyde Park neighbors for a potluck picnic in the park!
We will be meeting on the North side of the Elisabet Ney Museum on the grounds off of 45th street.
Sunday October 9th from 5:00-7:00pm
Bring blankets, chairs, a beverage, and if you feel inclined, a dish to share!
-Kids welcome
-No-alcoholic beverages
-Plates & cutlery will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own plates & cutlery of choice if preferred.
Please RSVP at the Facebook event below if you think you might come so we know how many people to expect and so you receive any updates for the event:
10/01/15 – CodeNEXT Q&A
Friends of Hyde Park and Friends of Austin Neighborhoods (FAN) are co-hosting a CodeNEXT Q&A with Paul DiGiuseppe (Principal Planner at Austin Planning and Review Department) and Jorge Rousselin (Austin Planning and Zoning Department). If you’re curious about what the CodeNEXT test areas are all about, how to get involved in the CodeNEXT process, or just want to learn more, this is the meeting for you. We’d like to get some questions to our panel before the meeting, so please feel free to post any questions you have in the comments.
5/28/15 – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location: No regular meeting this month!
5/21/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Meetup – Support a Local Business/Restaurant Day
Location: The Parlor 4301 B. Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78751
Friends of Hyde Park will be having a monthly meetup every third Thursday of the month. Each month we’ll be meeting at a different local restaurant in the neighborhood to just hang out, eat and drink, and get to know our neighbors.
These monthly meetups will also allow us to show our support to the businesses that are in our neighborhood and show that we support more walkable restaurants and businesses joining our neighborhood, which benefit everyone that lives here as well as our very local economy.
All are welcome, whether you are a member of FoHP or not.
May 21 at 7 pm
Every third Thursday of the month at 7 pm
The Parlor
Location will change monthly!
If you have a suggestion for future meetup places, please let us know!
5/15/15 @6:30 am to 9:00 am – Bike to Work Day Fueling Station – Friends of Hyde Park/Quack’s Bakery/Juiceland
Location: Parking lot between Julios and Dolce Vita
Link: http://biketoworkaustin.org/fuelingstations/
Grab some free baked goods and a cup of Juiceland Juice while you learn about Hyde Park’s new neighborhood association!
If you would like to volunteer, please let us know!
4/30/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location: Red River Church – 4425 Red River Street, Room 4
4/16/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Meetup – Support a Local Business/Restaurant Day
Location: Vino Vino at 4119 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78751
Friends of Hyde Park will be having a monthly meetup every third Thursday of the month. Each month we’ll be meeting at a different local restaurant in the neighborhood to just hang out, eat and drink, and get to know our neighbors.
These monthly meetups will also allow us to show our support to the businesses that are in our neighborhood and show that we support more walkable restaurants and businesses joining our neighborhood, which benefit everyone that lives here as well as our very local economy.
The first meetup will be at Vino Vino! Vino Vino is one of the newest restaurants to our neighborhood and a great example of how walkable businesses improve our neighborhood.
All are welcome, whether you are a member of FoHP or not.
April 16 at 7 pm
Every third Thursday of the month at 7 pm
Vino Vino
Location will change monthly!
If you have a suggestion for future meetup places, please let us know!
3/30/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location: Red River Church – 4425 Red River Street
Friends of Hyde Park has a meeting this coming Monday and we are announcing two speakers that will be joining us to talk about important things going on in the hood.
1) Letitia Brown-Moore from Neighborhood Housing and Community Development will be joining us to talk about city funding to help homeowners with home repair. The city is financially helping homeowners with houses built before 1978, seniors and persons with disabilities, repair their homes. Come learn more about this program and see if you qualify.
2) Miller Nuttle from Bike Austin will stop by to talk about Bike to Work Day, and will be talking about what Bike Austin is doing to make Austin even better for cyclists. We’ll also be addressing some good starting points to make Hyde Park more connected to the rest of the city by bicycle.
All are welcome, whether you are a neighbor or not, or whether you are a member of FoHP or not.
Please join us at Red River Church. The meeting starts at 7 pm on March 30th. If traveling east on 45th St by car, the church parking lot is directly after the church on the right. The only entrance to the parking lot is from 45th St. The door that you will enter to the church is directly off of the parking lot. If anyone has any questions about the location, please let us know.
Red River Church
4425 Red River Street
Austin, TX 78751
2/25/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location: Red River Church – 4425 Red River Street
2/2/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location: Hancock Recreation Center – 811 E. 41st St.
- Time to socialize (~30 min)
- Discuss ADU vote and neighborhood reaction
- Announce transportation committee appointment
- Find volunteer(s) for membership committee
- Neighbors Helping Neighbors
- Future plans
- Discuss meeting time
1/5/15 @7pm – Friends of Hyde Park Monthly Meeting
Location:3710 Cedar St.
Agenda: No official agenda for today. Just a meet and greet.